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Interview with Camila Benazzi from Bath Time Saboaria Artesanal

Foto do escritor: Livin'Learning TeamLivin'Learning Team

Where did the idea of working with soap and bath products come from?

Well, as I am a mother of a 5 year-old-boy, I needed to think of doing some business in my own house. I am a Pharmacist and I wanted to work with something related to this area, which I really like. I thought about soap and bath products because I love taking shower and I love smells too, lol...

And when did you start manufacturing your own products?

I first searched a lot about soap, shampoos, conditioners and everything that is related to bath. Around three or four months later, I created a brand and a logo and I started creating my own soap; I had some experience in this area, once I worked as a Pharmacist in a Coumponding Pharmacy for 12 years.

What is it going to be your field of expertise?

At the moment, I am working with souvenirs for Birthdays, Weddings, Baptisms... for example: liquid soap, toilet soap, sachets... but in the future, I intend to create different products aimed to pets in general, especially cats, cause I love them!

In your opinion, how useful are the social medias when starting your own business?

I believe that´s necessary to promote all types of product! On line sales became the most important way to make business grow!

What would you say to people who want to start their own business?

I think the most important thing to do before anything is: plan your business. For instance: there are many small things to think about, such as brand, logo, type of packaging, field of expertise... it’s very important to have all of those things in mind before putting theory into practise. Mainly, make sure you will work what you really love!

Sobre a autora:

Camila Benazzi Junqueira tem 41 anos, é Farmacêutica de formação desde 1999 e mãe em tempo integral. É proprietária da Bath Time Saboaria Artesanal. Estuda Inglês há dois anos e hoje é aluna Livin'learning!

PS: also loves cats :)

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1 Comment

Jan 21, 2019

Thank you teacher. I loved!!!

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